
I'm Moving!

As if I couldn't get enough of the moving, I'm moving blogs now, too. Head over to smileintrouble.wordpress.com to check out all of the new things to come this summer. Since I've got some free time, there will be more frequent updates! (I know you're as excited as I am.)


Cheshire Cat

One thing I'm going to miss in 7 days is my daily serving of hot chocolate. The Life Skills class at school brings around hot chocolate and coffee to us every morning around 10:30. In exchange for their services, I pay them with a "$1 bill" printed on a sheet of paper. They collect this money from alllllll the teachers and then are able to use it to purchase things in their own little community! My love for this process is two-fold:
  1. I get hot chocolate no matter the outdoor temperature!! (watered down and soapy tasting as it might be)
  2. They bring me the money to pay them with. And I don't even technically work for it!! (I like to pretend it's my own trust fund. Provided by the LMS Life Skills students.)
For some unknown reason, they have begun drawing designs on my styrofoam hot chocolate cup. It's always been labeled with my name. BUT NOW is has a picture of.......wait for it.......the Cheshire Cat!!! (I know what it is because they always label their pictures.)

Only problem: I can't for the life of my figure out what this animal has to do with me or my hot chocolate. Any ideas?

(If I'm supposed to be offended by this, please enlighten me.)


Think Again

Next time you're thinking that water is not that powerful, take a look at this video. In. Sane.



Everybody has their own little way of helping out. For T. Swift, that means donating $500k through the telethon. For my minister, it means making phone calls and providing mental health services to flood victims. For police officers, it means asking each person turning into the River Plantation subdivision (which was devastated beyond belief) if they need directions to somebody's house to help out. For me, it means being "in the trenches".

I want to rip up the floor, pack the china, and lay the clothes out to dry. I just do.

Everybody has their own gift. Mine is not organizing clothing drives, baking copious batches of delicious sweets, or giving money. I want to be there, getting my hands dirty and helping to pick people up.

That's why today was so difficult for me personally. In fact, it was probably the most difficult day for me since we realized how bad the flooding was really going to be. I had to report to work, but my students weren't there. I want so desperately to see each one of them, give them a hug, and be assured that they are, in fact, okay. And I know that some of them aren't.

If I'm not able to hug and speak with them, then at least let me be out helping people I know who have lost so much.

I am infinitely grateful to have not lost any personal belongings in the flood. But let's not pretend that this means we're all okay.

Nashville will recover, and I want to be out there helping to make it happen.


Why don't we?

Too Much Water

Donavon Frankenreiter

I went to a party.
We were having a good time.
And people were talkin'.
And drinking some wine.
But the best thing that happened...
I got lost in my mind

Too much water in one place,
Not enough somewhere else.

Too much water in one place,
Not enough somewhere else.

And then she called me on the telephone.
It was late last night.
Ah, she sounded so strange.
I said, 'is everything alright'?
She said,

Too much water in one place,
Not enough somewhere else.

Too much water in one place,
Not enough somewhere else.

Ah, there's so much we can give.
Ah, there's so much life to live.
So why don't we, ah, why don't we?

And then I fell asleep and had a dream.
It was the 4th of July.
And there were kids runnin' round and round.
Ah, the ground was so dry.

Too much water in one place,
Not enough somewhere else.


Other Situation 2010

Television message from the Government

Schools are closed, water is being conserved, and emergency messages are all over the television. Earlier in the year, we had "THE Situation 2010". But the "Other Situation 2010" that has just occurred has been significantly more devastating than anything you could imagine. This is truly something I never thought I would witness. Many people have lost power, possessions, and even life.

If you are interested in seeing pictures of the Nashville area, take a look at the Tennessean Photo Gallery (photo #48 is the Kroger across the street from our house). Luckily, our house and property made it through unscathed. Now, I'm anxiously awaiting news on friends, coworkers, church members, and students.

Refrigerated section at Publix
(the only store open of the three by our house, but they lost power yesterday morning and could sell non-refrigerated items only)



It's things like this that make me love, love, love Nashville.

(Not the biblical rainfall--the songwriting.)

Memphis Tiger Basketball

If there's one thing my hometown loves, it's Tiger Basketball. This love of mine has been well-documented here, so I know this comes as no surprise. One of my favorite Commercial Appeal columnists, Geoff Calkins, has a pretty entertaining story about the city's love for their Tigers. This is SERIOUS BUSINESS.


One hand in my pocket

After leaving school today, I realized that my pants pockets were still stuffed with school junk. I normally make a habit of clearing out my pockets before I leave, but that simply didn't happen today. What had my pockets overflowing, you ask? Well....
  • 2 paperclips
  • 2 Sharpies (one confiscated, one of my own)
  • a pink polka-dotted pen (it's the only writing utensil the boys won't steal off my desk...bwahahaha)
  • 11 USA State Bingo cards (did you know that New Hampshire markets itself as "The Granite State"?)
  • 2 blingin super-cute earrings (mine)
  • a similarly as cute blingin ring (mine)
  • annnnnd quite a bit of pocket lint.
These contents pretty much sum up my life. You know it's true.



Booze it up, kids!

(Not really. This sounds like a terribly horrific idea. But funny, nonetheless.)



I've reached new heights of worthlessness. I'm watching GAC and doing nothing productive. Just call it "Spring Break Hangover" (it has nothing to do with alcohol consumption. promise). Lesson plans and paper grading are looming...and it's midnight. It's just the price you pay for a few days in paradise.

More on that later!


What about Rex?

You just need to watch until the end. This is also why I'm rooting for Kentucky to win the National Championship...so that they have to give it back. Misery loves company.


Mamaw and Papaw

Got to see them today. They are the happiest homebound elderly couple I know. Sure, they live about 10 miles from civilization, but when their *favorite* granddaughter shows up to take Mamaw to Wal-Mart, they perk right up.

I know you want to go visit, so here are the directions:
  1. Turn left off the interstate.
  2. Turn right between the John Deere and Case dealerships.
  3. Go until it dead ends.
  4. Turn right.
  5. Take the bypass toward Jackson.
  6. Turn left at the giant blue warehouse.
  7. Take the second gravel-like road.
  8. Theirs is the square house with a tin roof in the middle of the field with no trees (but sometimes corn, cotton, or wheat).
Cracks me up every time.

They chose to move out there about 15 years ago to live on the land my Papaw grew up on. They didn't know at the time that he would become unable to drive within 5 years of their moving there. Now, they rely out my Papaw's second cousin, my uncle, and my family to get to Wal-Mart and doctors' appointments. I don't get to go very often, but when I do, I'm always glad I did. Even when it takes my Mamaw a billion gazillion years to get through Wal-Mart.

Even though Papaw usually doesn't watch TV during the day, he let me watch the end of the Miss. State-Kentucky game (WOW!), all the while informing me that he typically watches five hours of television at night. As we speak, he's watching HeeHaw, Crook and Chase, and probably an episode of Baseball Tonight (it's genetic). This nighttime TV watching is strangely important to him. He's earned the right to have strange habits, so I'm okay with it. He's been around the block a time or two.

Big shout out to the g-parents!


I always have liked peaches

No, really. They're my favorite fruit. And fruit is my favorite food. So basically, peaches are the best thing ever.

Consider that a sidenote, because the real purpose of this post is to update you on the progress toward my non-resolution. In case you don't remember, I made quite the list of books I wanted to read this year. It's really nice to have them written down to refer back to as needed.

I read James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl during our independent reading time at school, and finished it a couple of weeks ago. I know it's a classic, but something about it just wasn't that great. I found myself constantly wishing for something better and more exciting to happen....and then the book ended.

A discussion my students and I often have is about connecting with the book and the characters. We talk about reasons you connect with characters (i.e. you have something in common or you think you might want to be their friend). Perhaps the reason I didn't really like this book is because I never was able to connect with any of the characters. I felt like it was a stream of events, without ever really giving a "feel" for their personalities. Sure, Roald Dahl does a great job of telling you what each character's faults are, but these aren't effectively shown.

So, I've never lived in a peach. Basically this is why I didn't like James...or the book, really. Glad I've finally read it, though. Something tells me I read it as a child, but it didn't make an impact on me, and now I can see why.

On to my next book...Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli. Loving it so much that I did an impromptu read aloud from it on Thursday, and the kiddos were spellbound! I'll let you know what I think at the end of it.


What do you make?

I know that many of you have probably seen this before, but I thought it might be worth sharing here. It comes through my email inbox every few months, and I always like that it makes me think.


The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life.

One man, a CEO, decided to explain the problem with education. He argued, "What's a kid going to learn from someone who decided his best option in life was to become a teacher?"

To stress his point he said to another guest; "You're a teacher, Barbara. Be honest. What do you make?"

Barbara, who had a reputation for honesty and frankness replied, "You want to know what I make? (She paused for a second, then began...)

"Well, I make kids work harder than they ever thought they could.

I make a C+ feel like the Congressional Medal of Honor to a child who has done his/her best.

I make kids sit through 40 minutes of class time when their parents can't make them sit for 5 without an I Pod, Game Cube or movie rental.

You want to know what I make? (She paused again and looked at each and every person at the table)

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.

I make them apologize and mean it.

I make them have respect and take responsibility for their actions.

I teach them to write and then I make them write. Keyboarding isn't everything.

I make them read, read, read.

I make them show all their work in math. They use their God given brain, not the man-made calculator.

I make my students from other countries learn everything they need to know about English while preserving their unique cultural identity.

I make my classroom a place where all my students feel safe.

I make my students stand, placing their hand over their heart to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
One Nation Under God, because we live in the United States of America.

Finally, I make them understand that if they use the gifts they were given, work hard, and follow their hearts, they can succeed in life ( Barbara paused one last time and then continued.)

Then, when people try to judge me by what I make, with me knowing money isn't everything, I can hold my head up high and pay no attention because they are ignorant.

You want to know what I make?


What do you make Mr. CEO?

His jaw dropped, he went silent.



This morning as I was frantically grading journal entries, one in particular struck me. This kid has been the very definition of "little hellion". I will be the first to admit that he has very little control over anything that he does. From the outside looking in, the story is incredibly sad and depressing. From my position, everything about it is frustrating. Daily.

However, he left me a downright gem in his reading journal this week. His entry went something like this:

Ms. C,
I really liked the book I am reading this week. It is kind of scary, and I like scary books. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I know you are trying really hard.

Those last two sentences brought me to tears at 8am this morning. For this kid, who has written only one previous journal entry, putting that into words is H.U.G.E. And he thanked me?! **

It's times like those that I can look back on when I think I'm doing nothing right. Even when I'm yelling and angry and frustrated and impatient, maybe a kid is seeing that I care. Because I do. Otherwise I wouldn't have the energy to yell and be angry and frustrated and impatient. Although I'm making a conscious effort to do/feel those things less frequently (updates on that later).

Now there's a little food for thought for you.

After reading that journal entry and having myself a healthy little cry, this Martina McBride song came on my Jason Aldean Pandora station (Pandora at school is highly illegal....just call me a rebel....and don't tell).

**It should also be noted that he wrote this journal entry because I bribed him with the "privilege" of sitting under my desk with a pillow. Do Whatever It Takes. DWIT, if you will. (Major props for getting this reference)


Nashville Love

FML moment of the day? Leaving my phone at school. If you've never been stranded phoneless for a night, you should try it. Okay, okay, if we're friends, I wouldn't wish that upon you. It drudges up feelings of helplessness, dependency, and general anxiety. Sounds pretty horrible, right? Now you know why I don't wish for you to experience it.

Since my phone is also busted (read: the screen has chunks missing from it), I have yet to get a new ringtone. One of these days, I'll decide it's worth shelling out the $50 deductible for a shiny new BBerry. Until then, I'm living in the classless world of Busted BBerry Users. BUT, when I do shell out for that ridiculous deductible (I am paying for insurance, after all), I'll also shell out the $1.99 for a new ringtone.

I know you're waiting on the edge of your seats to find out the jam of choice, so I've included it below. Nothing like a little Jason Aldean to get me in the mood for a phone convo. This song just sums up my love for the Nash so well.

I suppose this post would also be an apropos time to mention my recent misfortune of overpaying the phone bill by $500. Verizon and I have always had a love-love relationship. Until they denied my refund.

Now I'm off to ponder my recent and striking lack of luck in the cell phone department....


Moving On

It's Senior Day for each of my teams. Even though these guys are technically younger than me, it seems that all of them have been around forever. This is one of those times when sports drive me to tears. It's also one of those times when I realize why I love college sports so much more than the pros. These guys come in to a program from far away and become part of the school, culture, and community of their respective cities.

Over at MemphisRoar, the guys have posted an article about the hardships Tiger senior Doneal Mack faced in Memphis. My favorite quotes include:
“This program has done wonders for me. I’ve given blood, sweat and tears back to the program, so this is going to be an emotional day…My blood is blue. I overcame a lot of adversity,” reflected Mack. “I think about how Cal used to treat us and us being sad and arguing. It’s good that I’ve overcome all of those adversities and I can stand here today and say, ‘I have no regrets.’ ”
Wish I could be in Memphis for the Doneal Mack/Willie Kemp festivities. But at least I'll be in Nashville for the Dolla Beal ceremony.

And in case you need a good laugh to start off your day, check this out.



This week, I got up every morning at 4:40 and went to the Y. Who am I and what have you done with my sleep schedule?



My expertise, you ask? Eating. Not cooking, really. Just eating. That's why I don't typically post recipes and the like--my cooking tends to be infrequent. When it happens, the outcome can range from abysmal to mediocre (unless, of course, it's apple pie).

But I've discovered a new recipe! I didn't even get it from somebody else. This is an ORIGINAL AC creation. Prepare yourselves for greatness, kiddos.

Ever since going to Urban Flats a while back, I've been longing to make my very own flatbread pizza. And the day has arrived! Here's how it went:

1. I went shopping. Here's what I got:
Flat-out flatbreads (the Italian herb was my variety of choice)
One white onion
Roma tomatoes
Bag of spinach
Olive oil
Shredded mozzarella cheese
Shaved parmesan
2. Cover the bottom of a non-stick skillet with olive oil. Slice onion and put it in there to get caramelized. Be sure to stir this. Onions burn.
3. Preheat the broiler. No amount of time. Just let it heat up while you do #3-8.
3. Mix 4 tbsp. olive oil and 1/2 tsp. of oregano.
4. Put a flatbread on a broiler pan and use a basting brush to spread olive oil and oregano mixture on the bread.
5. Put on about 3/4 c. mozzarella.
6. Add your toppings. I used spinach, a sliced Roma tomato, and caramelized onion.
7. Add about 1/4 c. mozzarella and some shaved parmesan.
8. Put this puppy in the oven for about 6 or 7 minutes. You'll know it's done when the cheese is all bubbly and slightly brown.
9. E.A.T.

**Please note: Since I didn't actually do this from a recipe, I didn't actually measure any of this. Oops? But I did utilize my superb estimation skillz in writing this recipe. Just make it how you like it. That's what I did, and I found incredible satisfaction in that.


My thoughts on the Olympics

  1. Damn you, Canada. I've never felt any real dislike for you. Until now.
  2. Glad Celine made an appearance. Not like I saw it or anything, but I was concerned she wasn't going to show.
  3. There are some freaky Olympic sports. Too many of them were unbearable to watch. I cringed every time they flipped, went too fast, or went too slow.
  4. There's an Olympic event where people ski 50 KILOMETERS. That's 31 miles, kids (in case you were wondering). I could picture dogs running this far. Or horses. Or oxen. But HUMANS? Crazy talk. Consider my mind blown.
  5. I'm super pumped for the new ABC Family movie entitled "The Cutting Edge: Fire and Ice". It's already marked on my calendar. March 14 at 7 Central. Be there. All the other cool kids will be.
And just in case you weren't sold on this new movie, here's the teaser:


Livin the DREAM

Today a kid kicked a locker, screamed an unmentionable curse word at me, and walked out of the school. I'm second-guessing yesterday's post.


Privilege Mentality

This summer my fabulous, loving, supportive, hilarious, beautiful, hard-working, talented little sister attended "Orlando Project" (run by Campus Outreach). From my understanding, it's a kind of super-intense Bible study that lasts all summer. Mom and I went to visit her for a weekend, and had a blast. (Hellllooooo, Mama Croft meeting Mickey!)

(If my mom ever sees this, I'll surely be dead. It's been nice knowing you, kids.)

While we were down there, sister was telling me all about a new viewpoint they learned about. The "privilege" mentality takes all of your negative thoughts/feelings and flips them upside down. No matter how horribly your day is going, you are, in fact, privileged to be here experiencing it. There's a fantastic chance that you're going to learn from that experience and become a better person for it. How lucky are you for that?!

This thought process has come in especially handy for me over the past few days when the kiddos have been absolutely off-the-wall-make-me-scream-i've-called-93-parents-since-yesterday C.R.A.Z.Y. Today, I seriously contemplated getting in my car and driving away at lunch. Seriously. Then I just called my dad and cried on the phone for approximately 20 minutes. Then I splashed my face with water, pretended I was having thebestdayever, and willed myself through the next four hours. I wish I could describe more to you, but words wouldn't do it justice.

You know what, though? This is my dream. It's what I've always wanted. And, at the end of the day, when I'm sitting in my room thinking about them.....I kind of love these kids. How many people get to live their dreams? Not many. But I'm one, and I consider myself beyond privileged for that opportunity.



I love a good reality show as much as the next couch potato. My dad sent me this link and it was too good to pass up. It even managed to distract me from my third viewing of The Cutting Edge in as many days. Classic. (Both the movie and this clip.)

In The Know: Are Reality Shows Setting Unrealistic Standards For Skanks?



...I think I went there today.



Backstory: My friend Lauryn teaches first grade down the street from me. She is one of the most patient, calm, devoted teachers (and people) I know.

Lately, Lauryn and I have spent our infinite snow days discussing the generosity of others. We both teach underprivileged children and are always looking for ways to make their lives better. Try as we might, we can't do it all ourselves.

You know all about my DonorsChoose page. OUR PROJECT GOT FUNDED!! I don't even know how to properly thank everyone who donated to this endeavor. Our supplies arrived on Wednesday and I stayed there until an ungodly hour to unpack and organize everything. My students oo-ed and ah-ed over the transformation of our supply cabinet. They are so excited to start using their own supply boxes and to have access to everything they need! Pictures to come!

This morning, I went to LP Pencil Box to shop for free school supplies. The Pencil Box allows teachers to come once a semester and pick up a few things that are needed to keep a classroom running. Though there are limits on how many items you can take, this is a fantastic resource for teachers. I left there with somewhat of a holy grail: pencils and three-prong folders, scissors and magazines. And BOOKS. These are precious commodities in the middle school classroom.

I sent out a plea for magazine subscriptions back in November, and the response was beyond what I could have hoped for. My kids are reading everything from Sports Illustrated to Discover Kids. Great to see!

Lauryn's students got to have a Christmas party with the Vanderbilt student-athletes and experience their first pajama party thanks to a friend of her family.

The generosity is astounding. It's good to know there are amazing people out there. You rock. :)


Go Team!

Though I only know the guy through other people, something tells me he really wrote this. I'm pretty pumped for the game and plan to keep my cheers "as fresh and clean" as Dolla. No worries.

In other, but related news, I'm hugely pumped for the prospect of revenge against my #1 most hated man alive, John Calipari. Dores better bring it. I want a win for Vandy, with the added bonus of revenge. I always said I wasn't one for holding grudges. That changed back in April, when this man stabbed my hometown in the back.

In other, unrelated news, I'm watching The Cutting Edge (in honor of the Olympics). And doing my taxes. GO AMERICA!!!


What I Love

In honor of Valentine's Day, and because we're on snow day #8 and I clearly have nothing better to do, here's a list of things I love. I typed until I was tired of typing. Then I stopped...I don't love doing things to excess. Moral of that story: this list could go on forever. Love. :)

Marissa Lynn.
Mama n Papa.
College football.
Early morning Saturday naps.
The First 48.
Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Visiting my loves.
Delta Gamma.
Delta Gammas.
Memphis skyline.
Farm life.
Teaching reading.
Sweet CeCe's.
Waiting for summer.
Snow days in moderation.
Clarinet playing.
The Stage.
Sunset nachos.
Being a big girl.
Diet Coke.
Hank Jr.
Coming up with new hobbies.
Good people.
To do lists that get done.
Love. Love. Love.

Disclaimer: I'm not even original enough to come up with this on my own. Thanks, Pioneer Woman!


"Love is about justice, not sentimentality. Standing on the side of love is choosing to stand with all those excluded, marginalized and oppressed - without succumbing to hate for the oppressor. Nothing could be harder - or more essential for our common flourishing."
- The Rev. Dr. Serene Jones, President, Union Theological Seminary


Exciting Update!!

While sitting on my parents' couch mourning the losses of my two teams, I wandered over to my Donors Choose page to check the status of our project.

What do I find? Great news! A grant has been issued to Donors Choose that will fund 50% of certain projects.

What does this mean for us? (Hopefully) More great news! We're only about $60 away from being fully funded!

I know that I have solicited many of you via phone, email, face-to-face conversation, blog post, Morse code, and the occasional telegraph. If you want the peskiness to stop--you know what to do! Just head on over to Ms. C's Donors Choose page and help us out. You'll get my never-ending gratitude and some supremely awesome thank you letters (mark my words)!


We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

--Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Little Girl Dreams

When I was younger (I'm still young, mind you), I dreamed of marrying a cowboy and living on a farm. Maybe it was my love of country music. Maybe it was that my best friend lived on a farm--where I was always known as the "crazy city girl". Maybe it was a desire for the simpler things in life. No matter what, I determined, this was happening.

Then I went to college in a new city and realized that my real passion was teaching inner-city children. Kiiiiiind of impossible to do that from a ranch in Wyoming. So, I let that dream pass.

Sort of. When my roomie, MM posted the The Pioneer Woman's very own city girl/country boy love story, I once again returned to my dreams of farm life.

Here's hoping a Tennessee cowboy will buy me a Mich Ultra and sweep me off my feet on my next outing to The Stage.

P.S. I never gave up my aspirations to retire on a ranch in Montana. When that cowboy sweeps me off my feet, our first anniversary damn well better be celebrated with a glamping trip.


Lil Hometown Love

Yesterday I had the strangest pang of homesickness as I was driving to work. Perhaps it's time for a roadtrip home. But for now, this video will have to do. I wish I was lying when I said it brought tears to my eyes.

Please take note of the kid doing the TIGER spell-out with a pick in his hair ("hur"). Classic Memphis stuff, right there.


Red Flags

Memo to the New Year's Resolutioners at the Green Hills Y:
I'm on to you.

You can't just show up in your false eyelashes wearing a diamond tennis bracelet and steal my elliptical. Likewise, please get rid of that sweater you've tied across your shoulders. It may be cold outside, but it's far from it in this steamy workout room. Thanks to you and your excessive sweat, I'm finding the air a bit too heavy to breathe properly.

On the other end of the spectrum, "working out" in jeans is simply impermissible. Nothing about that makes sense. In fact, it just draws attention to you more than the sweater-draped shoulders.

I admire your dedication to your resolution, but making yourself stand out like a sore thumb is simply too much. Not only are you stealing the machines I've been used to using for months now, but you also manage to look silly while doing it. Keep up the good work! But if you could be finished by 7pm, that would be awesome. That's when I generally get there, and would really appreciate having my normal array of machines to choose from. Thanks!

(P.S. These are all things actually witnessed by my pair of eyes within the last two days. Appalling.)


Welcome to the Tundra

Reason #4,623 why I love teaching: SNOW DAYS!

This week, we went back to school for three days (only two of them with kiddos). Then all that hard work was rewarded with not one, but TWO snow days! Lauryn and I made impeccable use of that time by staying in our pajamas all day and watching movies--and Tough Love 2 OnDemand. Ohhhhhhh trashy television. Perhaps I should feel dumber for spending my off days watching chick flicks. But I don't. Maybe someday!



With the announcement that ESPN will begin broadcasting in 3D, I just can't help but laugh. I'm picturing pot-bellied, jersey-sporting, bar-goers chillin' with a tall, cold brew....and their 3D eyeglasses. Not exactly the epitome of fashion. While I am the first to admit my love of all--okay--most things sports related, this is one I am finding myself less than pumped about. I mean, I still feel like I'm living in the dark ages (with no HDTV in my possession). Leave it to ESPN to mark me and my 13" tv as downright primitive.

I can't help but wonder if you will ever feel like you're about to get hit by a 99mph fastball.

And I can't help but hope that no 3D glasses will be required.