

About two weeks ago, I got a new student. The day the guidance counselor dropped him off in my room, he warned me that this kid had just moved to Nashville because of Hurricane Gustav. In New Orleans, this boy was in the 4th grade at an alternative school. At the time, I was scared of him and what he might do in my classroom. We had no indication of why exactly he was at this special school, but you don't get sent to an alternative school for being a regular angel...

Over the past couple of weeks, I have really not experienced any major problems with this student. Other teachers have had numerous issues--the kid got written up on his second day at our school. Yesterday, they decided to move him to the other team on my hallway. The hope was that he would succeed in a new environment with some more support. About 20 minutes after he switched, the kid waltzed back into my room. Turns out that he told the principal he changed his mind and wanted to stay on our team. I was baffled because some of the other teachers will never give him a chance. He told the principal that he wanted to stay where he was because he had made some friends and because of me. Apparently "I listen to him" and he appreciates this!

Even though I was scared to death of him that first week (did I mention that he's bigger than me?), I know that he won't ever hurt me. Maybe this can just be the year that he gets everything back on track...


Shut. Up.

Y'all know I love my Mets. And Wednesday Night Baseball. And Sunday Night Baseball. And most of all, Fox Saturday Baseball. I know they play every day of the week, but somehow these telecasts are special. Tonight, my beloved Mets played an EXTREMELY important game on Wednesday Night Baseball. However, I had to watch the whole thing on mute because Rick Sutcliffe makes me so mad. Here is my letter to him:

Dear Mr. Sutcliffe,
I know that you won a Cy Young Award when you played for the Cubs. However, that does NOT make it okay to blatantly pull for them while you do the color analysis for ESPN. Shut up. People are interested in your ANALYSIS, not your OPINIONS. Don't break down my team while they're losing. It makes me even more unhappy than I was when they were only losing.

This guy drives me crazy. Thanks for ruining my Wednesday Night Baseball experience. I could have stayed at school and graded papers....


How to be as cool as Soulja Boy

I recently went on the Rock the Vote website to help me figure out how to change my voter registration so I can vote in Nashville. Imagine how excited I was when I ran across this video. We all know how much I love Soulja Boy...if he says to vote, you should do it!

That being said, I hope you are all more educated than him about what you're voting for. Didn't he have that song about "I just got my report card, throw some D's on that b*tch"?

Anyways, here's the link to register for any state. In Tennessee, you must be registered 30 days prior to the election (by October 4). This is a big one!



Okay, not very many changes, but I did get a new computer. It wasn't exactly in the budgeting plan, but became necessary when my trusty-ole iBook died. Unfortunately, it died along with all of its data as well. I'll be working as much as I can to restore what I lost, but AAAALLLLLLL of my pictures are gone!

That's why I haven't posted in a while. The computer has been on the fritz. I'm loving being in Nashville. I was able to see Vandy upset USC at home, and that was amazing! My first game as a non-band-kid in almost 10 years! Loved it. It was more than a little tough to wake up for school the next morning, but so worth it.

For now, I'm off to bed. I know it's 9:30 at night, but that's feeling reeeeeeaaaal late right about now!