

I don't quite know why, but life is good right now. Of course, there's a lot of stuff to complain about, but I haven't felt much like complaining lately. That's a first. Since I got back, there has been a little bit of work, but not so much. Last week I worked afternoons at the daycare I worked at last summer. This week, I am doing some mornings at my dad's band camp. Oh, high school clarinet players...

Mainly, I've just been doing a lot of TV watching (I'm currently enjoying a new "The First 48"....yes!). Tomorrow, I'm going to Fall Creek Falls to see Betsy and Lauryn, who I was in England with. I'm really excited about going away, but even more excited to see them. We had the best time in England!

I just want my friends from here at home to actually come back!! Everybody is gone somewhere--I haven't seen anyone yet, which is kind of sad. I know that I said no complaints, but I suppose that is my one complaint ;-)


I'm baaaaack!!!

Since I'm back from Cambridge now, I will start posting on this blog again. Hopefully I will be better at this one than I was at my England blog ;-) Since I've been back, I've just been working and doing a little unpacking. The jet lag was nowhere NEAR as bad as it was going to England. That was a relief! For anyone who might be wondering about my previous post, my grandmother is doing really well. I haven't been able to see her since I got back, but I have talked to her on the phone. She had a mastectomy right before I left and is now on medication instead of radiation and chemo. That was really great news. Hopefully, I will get to see her soon. Thanks to everyone for the prayers and positive thoughts for our family.

Since I am back at work at the preschool I worked at last summer, there are soooo many cute kid stories coming your way. Those of you familiar with the little boy who managed to make my life hell last summer will appreciate this story. This same boy was sitting in time-out today (his usual perch), and decided he wanted to chat with me. It went a little something like this:

Him: "Ms. Ashley, where's your husband?"
Me: "Well, I'm not married..."
Him: "Then why are you working?!?!"

I think he was a bit confused...

Can't wait to see everyone soon!!!