
We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

--Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Little Girl Dreams

When I was younger (I'm still young, mind you), I dreamed of marrying a cowboy and living on a farm. Maybe it was my love of country music. Maybe it was that my best friend lived on a farm--where I was always known as the "crazy city girl". Maybe it was a desire for the simpler things in life. No matter what, I determined, this was happening.

Then I went to college in a new city and realized that my real passion was teaching inner-city children. Kiiiiiind of impossible to do that from a ranch in Wyoming. So, I let that dream pass.

Sort of. When my roomie, MM posted the The Pioneer Woman's very own city girl/country boy love story, I once again returned to my dreams of farm life.

Here's hoping a Tennessee cowboy will buy me a Mich Ultra and sweep me off my feet on my next outing to The Stage.

P.S. I never gave up my aspirations to retire on a ranch in Montana. When that cowboy sweeps me off my feet, our first anniversary damn well better be celebrated with a glamping trip.


Lil Hometown Love

Yesterday I had the strangest pang of homesickness as I was driving to work. Perhaps it's time for a roadtrip home. But for now, this video will have to do. I wish I was lying when I said it brought tears to my eyes.

Please take note of the kid doing the TIGER spell-out with a pick in his hair ("hur"). Classic Memphis stuff, right there.


Red Flags

Memo to the New Year's Resolutioners at the Green Hills Y:
I'm on to you.

You can't just show up in your false eyelashes wearing a diamond tennis bracelet and steal my elliptical. Likewise, please get rid of that sweater you've tied across your shoulders. It may be cold outside, but it's far from it in this steamy workout room. Thanks to you and your excessive sweat, I'm finding the air a bit too heavy to breathe properly.

On the other end of the spectrum, "working out" in jeans is simply impermissible. Nothing about that makes sense. In fact, it just draws attention to you more than the sweater-draped shoulders.

I admire your dedication to your resolution, but making yourself stand out like a sore thumb is simply too much. Not only are you stealing the machines I've been used to using for months now, but you also manage to look silly while doing it. Keep up the good work! But if you could be finished by 7pm, that would be awesome. That's when I generally get there, and would really appreciate having my normal array of machines to choose from. Thanks!

(P.S. These are all things actually witnessed by my pair of eyes within the last two days. Appalling.)


Welcome to the Tundra

Reason #4,623 why I love teaching: SNOW DAYS!

This week, we went back to school for three days (only two of them with kiddos). Then all that hard work was rewarded with not one, but TWO snow days! Lauryn and I made impeccable use of that time by staying in our pajamas all day and watching movies--and Tough Love 2 OnDemand. Ohhhhhhh trashy television. Perhaps I should feel dumber for spending my off days watching chick flicks. But I don't. Maybe someday!



With the announcement that ESPN will begin broadcasting in 3D, I just can't help but laugh. I'm picturing pot-bellied, jersey-sporting, bar-goers chillin' with a tall, cold brew....and their 3D eyeglasses. Not exactly the epitome of fashion. While I am the first to admit my love of all--okay--most things sports related, this is one I am finding myself less than pumped about. I mean, I still feel like I'm living in the dark ages (with no HDTV in my possession). Leave it to ESPN to mark me and my 13" tv as downright primitive.

I can't help but wonder if you will ever feel like you're about to get hit by a 99mph fastball.

And I can't help but hope that no 3D glasses will be required.