
Shut. Up.

Y'all know I love my Mets. And Wednesday Night Baseball. And Sunday Night Baseball. And most of all, Fox Saturday Baseball. I know they play every day of the week, but somehow these telecasts are special. Tonight, my beloved Mets played an EXTREMELY important game on Wednesday Night Baseball. However, I had to watch the whole thing on mute because Rick Sutcliffe makes me so mad. Here is my letter to him:

Dear Mr. Sutcliffe,
I know that you won a Cy Young Award when you played for the Cubs. However, that does NOT make it okay to blatantly pull for them while you do the color analysis for ESPN. Shut up. People are interested in your ANALYSIS, not your OPINIONS. Don't break down my team while they're losing. It makes me even more unhappy than I was when they were only losing.

This guy drives me crazy. Thanks for ruining my Wednesday Night Baseball experience. I could have stayed at school and graded papers....

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