
What're you?

A list of my favorite holidays (in order of favoritism):
  1. Independence Day
  2. Christmas
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. Opening Day (for baseball, of course)
  5. Homecoming
  6. New Year's
  7. Easter
  8. Labor Day
  9. Memorial Day
  10. MLK Day
  11. Valentine's Day
  12. Last Day of School
  13. President's Day
  14. Columbus Day
  15. First Day of School
  16. Halloween
So, it's really no surprise when I was less than pumped about Halloween. I feel so much pressure to come up with a great costume! I had two stipulations for a costume: (a) must be readily apparent what I'm supposed to be and (b) must be free. After quite the quest (including the ideas of being Alice in Wonderland and Beth Chapman), I remembered something that my friend Kayela dressed up as for a theme party in college: a Trophy Wife.

Decision. Made. With a little help from Nan's 6th grade basketball skillz, Meghan's blingin' ring from a previous theatre production, and my previously-assembled Vandy girl wardrobe, we had a costume!

All in all, it turned out to be a glorious weekend!


Anonymous said...

How on EARTH could Independence Day be your favorite holiday???? I do not accept that. Also, you get skinnier in every picture I see of you.

Ashley said...

Summer, baseball, beer, meat, fireworks. Independence Day is BY FAR the best. I've been training for a 5K...the scale says I've lost no weight, but my pants don't fit like they used to. Exciting stuff!